Pricing Analysis (Valuation)

Would you like an idea of what the market value of your business is but are not sure you want to sell at this time? Our professionals can provide an indication of value for your business without you having to go to the extent and expense of a full valuation. Pricing Analysis does not include the detailed analysis, methodology and analysis that are included in a formal valuation but will provide a document with sufficient detail to show what the current market value of the business is at considerably less expense than a full valuation.

We will keep the Analysis on file, update it when you are ready to sell and credit the amount paid off the selling commission when we sell your business!!

Nai Businesses Newsletter

Alf Sanderson
Phone: (604) 691-6646 | Cell: (604) 657-5638

Delon Cheung
Phone: (604) 691-6654 | Cell: (604) 760-7367